Power portals add custom button
About the Author: Manish Luhana
Microsoft business applications specialist and certified trainer.
Categories: Portals, Power Apps, Power Platform0 CommentsPublished On: 30 January 2022


Would you like to include a menu on the page that, when clicked, launches an external URL website in a new browser window. Is there a simple method to do this without using bespoke code? Here’s how to do it.

· By selecting the URL option in grid settings in a List in power portal, you may open an external URL.

· Navigate to the Portal Management Model driven app’s parameters and click Create.

· It will add a create section and allow you to select URL as the target type. In the box, type “https://logyscal.com/” as the destination URL.


· save the list and clear the cache.

· When you go to the list, you’ll see a new button to link to an external page.


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